Ministering to the Physically Abused
Ministering to the Verbally Abused

Power of Forgiveness
This is the sixth message in a sermon series entitled ‘Breaking the Chains’, based on Scripture found in Colossians 3:12-14. When we feel like we have been wronged it is so easy to be bitter and want to respond with vengeance. Today we will see that God’s way to true peace and healing is the path of forgiveness. Who has wronged you? Who has hurt you? Ask God for help to forgive and experience the freedom that He wants for you!

No Reason to Worry
This is another message a a sermon series entitled ‘Breaking the Chains’, this message is based on Scripture found in Philippians 4:4-7. There is so much worry and anxiety in our world today. We are often consumed by thoughts of uncertainty regarding tomorrow or fear of sickness or financial concerns, among others. These powerful verses remind us of the blessings of prayer and that our loving God is always with us. Lay your burdens down and experience the peace of God.

Handling Anger
This is the fourth message in a sermon series entitled ‘Breaking the Chains’, based on Scripture found in Mat. 5:21-24 and Eph. 4:26,27. Today we will discover that anger, when handled God’s way can bring fourth positive results. When led by our flesh can be disastrous. We are warned to be careful of the ugly root, be sure to avoid producing the ugly fruit, and the wisdom to give unrestrained anger the boot. God wants to help you get a grip on your anger, all we have to do is ask!

A House of Prayer
As we get ready for Easter Sunday, this is a message about our Lord cleansing His Temple, based on Scripture found in Matthew 21:12-17. Here we see that Jesus was passionate about true worship and was righteously angry about how the religious leaders were corrupting it. There was disrespect for the Temple; they were hindering Gentile seekers from observing the One True God. Many were rejecting the true Lamb of God and instead trapped in their lifeless traditions! Are you ready to respond to God with child-like faith?