The Thirst Quencher
This is the final message in a sermon series entitled ‘Life Changing Encounters’, based on Scripture found in John 4:4-30. Here we see that Jesus loves us all and was willing to cross all ethnic and cultural barriers to share the Good-news. This broken, lonely, and hurting woman was hungry for true love and hope; she found it in Christ. When her eyes were opened to the truth, she excitedly told everyone the Good-news and many became believers. Have you met the Savior? Do you have a story to share?
A Changed Heart
This is the second to last message in a sermon series entitled, ‘Life Changing Encounters’ based on Scripture found in Luke 19:1-10. Today we will meet a man who according to the worlds standards had everything money could buy, but he was still empty on the inside. He was searching for true love, true peace, and true fulfillment. He is about ready to meet the Savior his heart had been longing for his whole life! How about you? Come to saving faith and your heart will be filled with joy.
Love Conquers All
This was a message on love given around Valentines Day, based on Scripture found in 1 John 4:4-12. This amazing love has the power to tear down all strong holds and cross all divides. This Agape Love comes only from God above and it’s presence affirms your faith. And finally receiving this love from God compels a dynamic response from each of us. How will you respond to God’s love for you?
A Pure Walk
The first message in a new sermon series entitled “Common Threads”.
This message is taken from Genesis 3:8-11; 21 and is called A Pure Walk. Think about Adam and Eve’s perfect relationship with God before the fall. We see the terrible consequences of rebelling against our creator and the matchless Love of God that made a way back into His loving arms. Where are you in your personal walk with the Lord? May we all draw closer!