Serving With Honor

A Mother’s Heart
This is a mother’s day message based on Scripture found in 2 Kings 4:8-24. Here we meet a woman who is over flowing with compassion and is blessed by God with a miraculous baby boy. Just like every good mother; she loves this child, cares for him, and does all to protect him. This mother shows amazing strength and a deep abiding faith even in the midst of great pain. She and all the moms deserve to be honored for all their amazing gifts of service, everyone wrapped in God’s love

Timeless Testimony
This message was preached on Senior Appreciation Sunday and is based on Scripture found in Psalm 71:15-21. We are so thankful for the multiple contributions these faithful servants have made to the work in the kingdom of God and the ministries at First Baptist Lithonia. They have a lifetime of experiences that we can all learn from. They have lessons to share that can help shape our lives. And most importantly they have left us a legacy of solid faith that we would be wise to follow. Let us make time to listen and learn wisdom from these heroes of the faith!

Veteran’s Day Celebration
We are so appreciative of all those that have served our country in the Armed forces. Their courage, service, and sacrifice should be remembered and recognized. We also look forward to giving every veteran present, a small gift to thank them for their service. If you know a soldier take time to thank them personally, and invite them to worship with you.

A Soldiers Cross
This is a message preached on Memorial Day weekend based on Scripture found in 2Timothy 2:1-7, entitled A Soldiers Cross. The call to be a soldier in the Lord’s army will require four areas of total commitment. There is a call of preparation as we draw close to our Commander; a call to persevere under extreme enemy resistance. There is also a call to complete allegiance and always an attitude of pure appreciation. The call to serve, whether in the Armed Forces or in the Lord’s Army requires complete dedication and is a great honor.