Overcoming Insecurity
This is the final message in a sermon series entitled Breaking the Chains. This one comes from Psalm 139 at these verses will remind us that there is no reason for a child of God to ever be insecure. We have been fashioned by God’s loving hands, filled with a wonderful purpose, and embraced by a never ending love! If we know Jesus than we are part of His amazing forever family. Run to him and feel his embrace.
Overcoming Loneliness
This is a message in a sermon series entitled Breaking the Chains, based on Scripture found in Psalm 25:16-21. These times that we are living in we seem to be surrounded by loneliness. David expressed these same thoughts in the Psalms. We will discover that in Christ the chains on loneliness will be broken. Run to Him, Trust His every promise, and know He is with you!
Hope Overcomes Discouragement
This is the second message in a new sermon series entitled ‘Breaking the Chains’, this message is based on Scripture found in 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. It is easy to see the discouragement in so many faces around us, especially in the turbulent days we are living in. Our God gives us clear instructions to help us overcome this atmosphere of despair. With His help we must learn to see beyond the depressing circumstances and diligently listen to His voice of truth. In addition let us always be mindful of the glory that awaits every true believer! May the Hope the Lord puts in our hearts help us to overcome.
Faith Overcomes Fear
This is the first message in a sermon series called ‘Breaking the Chains’, this message is based on two Scriptures from Isaiah. Our world today is consumed with fear and so many, including our Enemy are trying to lead us to the horror of panic. This prophet of old has three key elements that will protect all of us from succumbing to fear. First we must remember that as believers we are never alone; Secondly we must be willing to receive the strength God provides; Thirdly when the winds of distress begin to blow let us seek shelter under God’s mighty Wing. May we all realize that a loving faith leaves no room for fear!
The Thirst Quencher
This is the final message in a sermon series entitled ‘Life Changing Encounters’, based on Scripture found in John 4:4-30. Here we see that Jesus loves us all and was willing to cross all ethnic and cultural barriers to share the Good-news. This broken, lonely, and hurting woman was hungry for true love and hope; she found it in Christ. When her eyes were opened to the truth, she excitedly told everyone the Good-news and many became believers. Have you met the Savior? Do you have a story to share?