Veteran’s Day Service
First Baptist Church 6616 Hillandale Dr., Lithonia, GA, United StatesWe are extremely proud of all those brave Americans that have served and are serving in our Armed Forces. This year on Veteran's Day we would like to honor their service and sacrifice. We will also recognize all the veterans, pray for them and their families, and bless them with a small symbol of our […]
Live Wire: Prayer Meeting
First Baptist Church 6616 Hillandale Dr., Lithonia, GA, United StatesOn the last Thursday of every month, at 6pm, you can participate in a group phone prayer meeting! All you need is a phone and you can call in to join this special time of prayer. Simply dial 339-209-5380 and introduce yourself to the group. It will be wonderful to hear your voice; don't feel […]
Christmas Choir and Children
First Baptist Church 6616 Hillandale Dr., Lithonia, GA, United StatesWe are looking forward to some special Christmas music lead by the Praise Team, children's songs, Nativity scene, and the Christmas story in Scripture; all to celebrate Jesus' birth. Plan on staying after to enjoy a covered dish luncheon in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a heart ready to celebrate and your favorite recipe to share.
Candle Light Christmas Eve
First Baptist Church 6616 Hillandale Dr., Lithonia, GA, United StatesEvery year we look forward to a very meaningful time of worship as we prepare for the arrival of our Savior. We know He has already come but it is moving to experience the candle light and to have a fresh anticipation every Christmas Eve. Come and bring your family to a service guaranteed to […]
Wednesday Family Night
First Baptist Church 6616 Hillandale Dr., Lithonia, GA, United StatesWednesday Family Night will be focusing on the children and teens this last quarter of the year. We will have lite supper, drinks, interactive Bible stories, memory verse challenges, and a game to enjoy with your friends. If you need help with transportation, make arrangements early at 770-482-8703
Celebrate Lord’s Supper
We look forward to celebrating the Lord's Supper this coming Sunday at First Baptist Lithonia. This is always a very meaningful part of our time of worship. The Word of God instructs believers to do this in remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice, and also cautions us to celebrate with humble reverence. The Deacons will be serving […]
Winter Jam at State Farm Arena
First Baptist Church 6616 Hillandale Dr., Lithonia, GA, United StatesA great opportunity to see some of the best contemporary Christian artists. This year some will be Anne Wilson, Colt Dixon, Skillet, New Song, and a lot more. We will be leaving church at 3pm so we can get seats. There will also be an evangelist named Zane Black to share the Gospel. The church […]
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
First Baptist Church 6616 Hillandale Dr., Lithonia, GA, United StatesCome join us for a tasty home cooked breakfast! We will be very careful to keep everyone safe while enjoying some good fellowship, an interactive Devotion from the Word of God, and a time of prayer at the end. We usually have these fellowships every other month, and we surely hope you'll be able to […]
Young at Heart Fellowship
First Baptist Church 6616 Hillandale Dr., Lithonia, GA, United StatesYoung at Heart is a special fellowship for those friends and family of our church who are at least 55 years old. This will be a covered dish luncheon, so bring a favorite recipe to share with your friends. Please call the church office if you would like to join us for some laughter, fellowship, […]
Sunday Afternoon Movie
First Baptist Church 6616 Hillandale Dr., Lithonia, GA, United StatesThe Youth Group will be preparing lunch for the church family after church. They will be accepting donations to help fund an upcoming outing. After lunch all those that are able can return to the sanctuary to watch the movie titled, The Forge. This is the newest release from the Kendrick's Brothers and emphasizes the […]