Victorious Church
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School will be a week of fun, games, crafts, Bible stories, worship, snacks, growth for all ages! This year we will be taking a trip to Spark Studios where we will discover that we have been Created! Designed! and Empowered! By an amazing God. Don’t miss the Big Kick-Off Event on Saturday at 1PM!
Sunday School Restarting
We are very excited to be able to restart some of our Sunday School classes that have not been able to meet in person for several months. All of our children’s classes, the Youth Group, and three Adult classes are prepared to start very soon. We will be maintaining strict safety protocol and social distancing to keep all of us healthy. Hopefully some of our Adult classes can look into using Zoom technology to include more participants. Our start date will be September 6th, the official beginning of our new S.S. Don’t feel any pressure to attend in person until you feel ready. We truly understand your concerns!
Open for Worship
Many of you have been able to join us for in person worship and many by way of (FBC Lithonia) Face Book Live. Gradually our church family has been reassembling together and it feels like Home Coming every week! If you are healthy and strong, and willing to follow all safety protocol without question than we would invite you to join us in person when you are ready. We will continue to Live Stream on Face Book, but we can’t wait to see you!!
Vacation Bible School
Get ready for another great adventure as we take a trip ‘Into The Wild’ at this year’s VBS. Get up close and personal with elephants, polar bears, and crocodiles. This summer kids and adults will focus on real life encounters with Jesus that will radically transform their lives. We hope you can make the exciting Kick-off adventure on Saturday, June 8th, at 11AM. Please register ASAP by calling the church office, at the kick-off, or by showing up on Sunday, June 9th. Let us know if transportation is a problem for you. Let the adventure begin.
A Place To Belong
This is the first message of a three part sermon series entitled ‘A clear Vision’, this message is based on Scripture found in Ephesians 2:11-22. The Church has been given the message of hope to share with the world. There are so many searching for true peace that can only be found in Christ. The Church must be a place of unity, overflowing with the love of God. Only as the Church is joined together in harmony can we bring our Lord the worship He deserves.