
Faith of our Fathers
This was a Father’s Day message that came from Psalm 127. Praise the Lord for Godly fathers who walk with Him. They have been given the responsibility of building a firm foundation of faith. They must be careful not to be distracted from their most important calling. And finally, father’s must do all they can to fulfill the Divine purpose for the family. Every family is incredibly blessed when Dad is walking with God.

A Mountain Sized Legacy
This message was preached on Senior Appreciation Sunday and is based on Scripture found in Joshua 14:6-15. Caleb was a man of faith that walked with God and passed all the tests of obedience. This passage will look closely at some of the characteristics that transfer well from one generation to the next. May we all follow our Lord closely so we can leave a wonderful inheritance of faith for the upcoming ge

A Faithful Few
This is message number three in a sermon series entitled, ‘Raising the Bar’based on Malachi 2:10-16. In this passage we see that if we want to serve God faithfully we must strive to avoid worldly temptations. We must also be careful of making only casual commitments. And finally the only way we can be successful is when we call upon the Lord for His strength. The Lord is looking for a few good men and women; are you ready?

A High Calling
The second message of a sermon series entitled, Raising the Bar,is based on Scripture found in Malachi 2;1-9. As Christians we have a very high calling from God to represent Him in this fallen world. There are three essentials if we want to fulfill this amazing responsibility properly. We must strive to bring God glory, we will want to be a good example to follow, and we must speak the truth with courage. The Lord is still looking for a few good men (women); are you ready to serve?

Becoming a Bold Witness
This is message #5 in a sermon series entitled ‘The Mission Goes On’. This message is based on Scriptures found in Acts 4:8-22. The Lord had just done an incredible miracle through His disciples, Peter and John. As hard as it is to believe, the Religious leaders of that day were terrified that people would hear the Gospel message and accept Jesus as their Messiah. These Apostles boldly proclaimed ear. that Jesus is Lord, despite the grave threats from these blind leaders. They relied completely on Divine wisdom and power and continued to preach the Gospel without fear.
Servants of the Church
Message #3 in a sermon series entitled ‘The Mission Goes On’. This message is based on Scripture from Acts 6:1-7. The early church in Jerusalem continued to grow rapidly as thousands were reached with the Gospel message! With that amazing growth the Apostles quickly realized that they needed helpers to keep unity and minister to all the needs. Here we see the ministry of the first Deacons and the way that they blessed the church and their community. They were nominated by their church family and set apart for this very important work. May each of us strive to be faithful and available like these first servants!
A Walk of Devotion
This is message #5 in sermon series entitled ‘Common threads of a close Walk’, directly from the Book of Ruth. We will see clearly that Ruth made a wonderful choice to follow God and to leave her old ways. When she put herself under His authority, the Lord worked through His divine plan to provide and bless. Her faithfulness and devotion resulted in God providing a blessing for all people! How devoted are we to our God?
Legacy of Loyalty
This message was delivered on Senior Appreciation Sunday, and comes from 2 Samuel, chapters 17&19. We meet a loyal servant to the king named Barzillai. He risked his life ministering to David’s needs and instead of allowing the king to bless him in response; he instead passed the blessing on to his family. Some of king David’s last words to his son Solomon, included gratitude for Barzillai’s faithfulness. What legacy are we leaving for our families?