Don’t Stop Believing
An Overcoming Faith

Hope Overcomes Discouragement
This is the second message in a new sermon series entitled ‘Breaking the Chains’, this message is based on Scripture found in 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. It is easy to see the discouragement in so many faces around us, especially in the turbulent days we are living in. Our God gives us clear instructions to help us overcome this atmosphere of despair. With His help we must learn to see beyond the depressing circumstances and diligently listen to His voice of truth. In addition let us always be mindful of the glory that awaits every true believer! May the Hope the Lord puts in our hearts help us to overcome.

A Faith that Amazed
This is message number three in a sermon series entitled ‘Life Changing Encounters’, based on Scripture found in Luke 7:1-10. This is one of those rare times that Jesus was surprised by the depth of a person’s faith; usually the opposite was true. Here we meet a gentile that had a heart of compassion, a humility that was willing to ask for help. And he also realized the incredible hope that an extraordinary faith could bring. Does your faith in God need a little infusion of strength today?

Speak the Truth
This is the third message in a sermon series entitled ‘Choosing our Words Carefully’. This message is based on Scripture found in Ephesians 4:25-32. In these verses we will be reminded how powerful our words can be! How many times have we learned the hard way, that careless words can cause division? Our world today is searching for hope and peace, let our words today help lead them home. Wouldn’t it be nice if the whole world could learn a brand new language of love.

Hope Conquers All
This message was delivered on the first Sunday of Advent and deals with a Hope that comes directly from God. This Hope allowed Mary to walk past all her fears and to be obedient to the calling of God. This Hope gave her the strength to trust God through all the confusion and questions. And finally we will see that Jesus came past all our failures and trully brought Hope into this broken world. This Christmas season draw close to the Lord and discover a Hope that overcomes all obstacles.