Serving the Sovereign
What About the Work Place?
Attitude of a Soldier
This is the second message of a sermon series entitled, Keeping our Sanity in an insane World. This sermon was preached on Veteran’s Day weekend and is based on Scripture found in Philippians 2:12-18. Something amazing happens in our own hearts as we serve in perfect unity and flavor our world with God’s love. When we serve faithfully and give our very best, the rewards we reap will bless us now and bring dividends for all eternity. Are you ready to discover the joy of serving in the Lord’s army?
Are You Like Jonah?
This is a message from Dr. Larry Cheek, the Director of Stone Mountain Baptist Association. Scripture comes from the Book of Jonah and challenges each of us to listen to God’s voice and to be available to serve as He leads. He has already placed a clear call in our lives to love Him with all our heart and to love one another as Christ loved us. How do we respond when God gives us instructions?
Team Ministry Fair
We are blessed with a wide variety of ministries at First Lithonia that work together to serve our church family and community. Each one of these provides a beautiful outlet for God to use your gifts and abilities to bring Him glory. This Ministry Fair will be right after church on November 4th, and will seek to connect every person with a place to serve. We hope you will put that lunch on hold for a few minutes and get plugged in to a life changing opportunity to serve the Lord.