
Words of Blessing
This is the second message in a three part sermon series entitled ‘Choosing our words Carefully’, based on Scripture found in James 3:9-12. Here we are reminded that are very words can be viewed as an offering to God. How important it is that we offer Him our very best, because he is worthy of a pure sacrifice. Don’t let ugly words contaminate what the Lord desires. Words of encouragement and hope are especially needed today and are always a beautiful offering to God. May we speak words of blessing whenever we have an opportunity.

Potion or Poison
In these next two sermons we will be reminded how powerful our words can be. This message comes from Scripture found in James 3:1-8 and will definitely challenge us all to think before we speak. Today we will discover that we are called to take responsibility for our words. Secondly our tongues can be used to build up or tear down. Finally we will be reminded that apart from the presence of God working in our lives, our words will only bring pain and division. Are we ready to ask for help and to let our words be used for God’s glory?